Meet the Doctor!
I got heavily into road biking as a teen. We use to ride into the silver dusk and even in the snow. But back then, tubulars were expensive for someone with very little cash. When I moved to Ottawa at 20, the bike became my transportation and my livelihood as I started couriering. That was where I discovered the underground culture of avid bikers in the city core. It was working on my own bikes that got me into road repair. When how much I got paid directly depended on how fast I could get places, fixing my bike on the spot ­ anytime, anywhere, was a must. I often make my own solutions, even building bike parts from scratch.
After that, worked in bike shops while training for racing. I spent many long hours leaning wheel building under my mentor and close friend. We spent many long nights together, riding and fine tuning bikes. We were constantly learning new things and trying stuff out. Figuring with certain things didn't work led to crafting our own tools and pieces from scratch. There's always a way. And, when there isn't; you make one! During this time, we were also building a dream: To open an indy bike shop.
In 1999, Dr. Planetman's Cycle Service Emporium opened it's doors. With a shoe-string budget, we worked long hours and late nights designing the creative atmosphere. So, with no cash in the till, the doors finally opened. I just sat there, waiting and watching the cars drive by. In a blink of an eye, customers started dropping their bikes off. By closing time, our space was filled with bikes to repair. All the effort had paid off. The ride was short lived, the business ran for a couple years; but it was a fun and wild experience.
I have always loved cycling. Riding into nowhere and feeling free from everything around you. It is so exciting to let go while peddling down the road at Mach1 downhill. Then I was introduced to mountain biking in the trees where nature made me feel truly alive for the first time. The challenges are limitless and up lifting. When I'm on my bike, I feel like a silver bullet. All the adrenaline give me super focus. I just exist in the moment. Nothing has ever tarnished that excitement.